Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Backkkk to school, backkkk to school

So admittedly, I abandoned the blog idea for a while because, well, who isn't a blogger these days?
But I've been studying floristry for just over half a year now and considering I'm actually learning fun things, I thought I may as well share some. I've also done my very first wedding (but that's definitely exciting enough to score it's own post in more detail).

Now lets see, where to start.
I guess I'll start at my first day of school.

After looking into many different paths and courses, I finally decided on a floristry college in Melbourne. I was lucky enough to have a friend starting the same day I did, so as well as having the cool points of already knowing someone on my first day [insert smug emoji face wearing sunglasses], there was no awkward, being the last person chosen for the basketball team feeling, when asked to pair up.

Although I will just pause here to mention - everyone in the class is absolutely lovely, including the teachers.

We start every class with theory in the mornings, and I'm extremely surprised at how much I'm enjoying that side of the course. It's crazy how things you usually don't like doing (homework….) get so much easier when you're doing it about something you genuinely love.

Then the afternoons is full of the practical. The real fun stuff.
It's been so incredibly interesting to get an insiders peek into the detailed side of floristry and gain such an immense appreciation for exactly how much work goes into every, and i mean e v e r y single piece of floral design.
And if i didn't already respect florists enough, now I officially bow down at your feet.

It makes me so excited to be in such an amazing and creative and giving industry, and to be surrounded by beautiful flowers and beautiful people everyday.

I'm currently waiting on the wedding photos to come through so I'll be sure to do a wedding post as soon as they do! Full of photos yay!

Kim x

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